Friday, September 08, 2006

Conference Week

This fall at IHOP looks to be an intense endeavor. Conference after conference, weekend after weekend, bookstore craziness to bookstore craziness, class after class, traveling teams, accountants, onething regionals and honestly we're just getting started here kids...this is life at the Missions Base...and there is nothing that we can do about it...

Why do we stay...we stay because we love Jesus? Because we want to finish FSM? Because we like the music? Because what? I stay because when I walk into the Prayer Room (when I get a chance to) I feel like I'm home...more at home than listening to Cities 97.1 and drinking a cup of Caribou Coffee through Minneapolis in a snowstorm...Something inside of me clicks with this longs to be here, to know God, to search out the Mystery that is the Uncreated...this is why we came and this is why we the moments when I want to quit and move on to anywhere else I remember a Man, I remember the indwelling Holy Spirit and the good Father of all and realize this is the best place I could ever be...not because it's IHOP, but because it is exactly where the Uncontainable Trinity wants me to be.

Thank you Jesus for this place, thank you Jesus for a home beyond Kansas City, a city in the sky and a place in the heart of the Almighty that I might fill...a place to be enjoyed as I run this race...make me forever mindful of Your goodness, Your grace and Your Blood.

What keeps you here?


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