Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I have an incredible amount of trouble with the microsoft website. Maybe it's because I'm a firefoxer and i hate IE, but I am telling you I can never navigate the beast that is Also, the website inevitably freezes to the point where I have to restart my whole computer not to mention that the entirety of the time that I have been writing this post I have been waiting for a link to load.

Give me Steve Jobs or give me death.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ubuntu is what you need.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Fairing Well said...

Have you seen the mac commercials at are pretty amusing. Scott likes to watch them in place of real commercials when we are watching t.v....for real.The other night he put the tv on mute during the commercials and played me the mac commercials on his laptop. He is nuts!

3:02 PM  

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