When it's all coming down
This morning I was reading Revelation and the urgency of the hour struck me so hard that I became instantly alert and said out loud "Jesse, we can't be offended." He didn't hear me, but still, it happened. I thought of end-times scenarios foretold and in the midst of it the issue of offense just kicked me in the face. I don't want to be offended when my friends are being martyred and Marshall Law is the rule of the day. I don't want to be offended when sons betray fathers and mothers turn in daughters. I don't want to be offended when men are crying out for death and can't find it or when a third of the earth is killed, billions, people we're talking billions here.
But, I don't deal very well with my eschatalogical fears. A group of beloved friends and I have taken a humorous approach to the drama of the ages. We have bets on the size of the demonic locust, dioramas depicting our beloved Dale in the tribulation and the one that even I have tried to block out, the infamous inventory of '05 conversation on martyrdom. Why do I find it so difficult to be serious? I don't want to be offended, I don't want to be counted among those with offense in my heart. I find myself often crying out to the Lord in the midst of these scenarios that play out in my head for love and mercy and the grace not to be offended, but for some unclear reason I don't find myself crying out when someone cuts me off in traffic or when my beloved doesn't fold the laundry or when one of my cashiers doesn't do what I ask them, I simply get offended. Now, I feel as though I am prepared not to be offended when everyone is dying but not when my brown towels aren't folded the way I fold towels (oh goodness, I've become my mother)...Why is that? I need Jesus.
Jesus, be with us all today, help us to be among those without offense in the end of days when You again choose to grace humanity with Your tangible presence. We love You, come quickly.
I hear ya...that's all I got. I've got all the same issues...except I don't drive, and I'm not married.
Yep. It's the small things that get us. We don't expect them. They're too easy. These tests are too easy. We want something hard. Not really, but you know what I mean.
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